Natural food for your household Get rid of coughing in winter Winter is accompanied by bouts of coughs and colds occur as a result of changing weather and cold, which causes distress and embarrassment for many people and prevents them from performing their work, and many prefer to treat these diseases home treatment without resorting to any drugs
In this article we highlight five home-based foods that will help treat winter cough,
1- Honey:
The strongest killer of cough is honey, and studies conducted by Mayo Clinic have proven that honey eliminates coughing in adults and boys over the age of two years.
It is advisable to eat a spoon before bedtime.
2. Ginger:
It is considered a herbal treatment of the digestive system and respiratory. Ginger works to get rid of coughing and irritation in the pharynx.
It can be drunk, as can take a small piece of fresh ginger and mash.
3-Hot herbal tea:
Hot drink helps to ease breathing and relieve cough, so that hot water with lemon and a tablespoon of honey will benefit a lot.
4. Chicken Soup:
The grandmothers were right. The soup softens the pharynx and
relieves coughing in a very short time.
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