Information so you do not feel hungry
1_ First advice
Drink water After 10 minutes of drinking a glass of water the sense of hunger will gradually decrease.
2_ Second advice
All vegetables are green because they are saturated with low fat and softened stomach
3_ Third advice
Make the apples near and with your sense of hunger out of the whole meal, it gives you a great sense of satiety

4_ Fourth advice
A banana pill every day gives you an energy you do not feel after eating it for hunger for a long period strengthens your nerves and muscles
5_ Fifth advice
Each slowly and this months advice by nutrition experts so that the brain can send an alert of satiety

6_ Sixth advice
Never neglect a breakfast meal because it is the most important meal of all day
7_ Seventh advice
Choose foods rich in vitamins, especially vitamin B6 and vitamin C, because they increase the speed of burning